Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Goatsred swatting article with bogus thesis 'belongs to Yahoo'

It's always the media's fault even when you're the writer.

"Why was @DMatthewstewart recruited in June to help @Goatsred? What are his skills? Being a goofball? Hacking? Making bets?" I asked on Twitter today.

According to Andrew Breitbart researcher Liberty_Chick aka Mandy Nagy, "He's a keen researcher. And yes, he is a goofball (which is refreshing when you're under a lot of misguided harassment)."

On January 10, I sent an email to Mike Stack AKA @goatsred about an article written by @DMatthewStewart called "The Smoking Gun's Carelessness Leads to SWAT Team Raids on Individual," published on the Yahoo Contributor Network as an opinion/editorial that same day. His article contained many mistakes which I feared might be deliberate.

The main issue with the article is that it harps on Stack being allegedly singled out for being one of the first to RT the @RepWeiner underwear tweet when he wasn't even around that night on May 27. Multiple times, Stewart claims Stack was the victim of alleged swattings based upon the bogus premise that all he did was tweet.

In a tweet that day, Stewart blamed a nameless editor: "Hey @ronbryn I actually agree with you in the hatchet editing job. And there are a few other things too. Can we talk and stay on topic?"

I try to avoid Mr. Stewart since I'm 99 percent certain he sent me ten obscene text messages on October 15 after I called him a hypocrite on Twitter for complaining about doxxing by the left on the right but then engaging in it himself, and threatening to release social security numbers. He also tweeted publicly for me to kill myself and his faithful lackey @DoctorWarbucks threatened to hunt me down in Brooklyn and kick me in the head with his boot.

@DoctorWarbucks tweeted, "@dmatthewstewart must b trippin if you think im bowing down to @ronbryn Hand delivering a xmas card to him from Timberlin to his mouth. Word."

Stewart writes outrageous blog posts about me calling me a criminal and he started a blog with a similar name to this one to mock it. For some reason, he likes to joke that I use a "banana phone" to pleasure myself. For the record, I never owned one.

But Mr. Stewart wonders why we can't just hug it out. (And @DoctorWarbucks "apologized": "I apologize Ron for making any threats to you. I did not mean it and I am not really going to come to your house. i was only messing with you because you have been messing with some of my friends. so dont cry & take it seriously. just chill bro")

"I actually agree with a few points you made in that email. And I agree the editing was terrible," DMatthewStewart tweeted, after I mentioned this email on Twitter today.

However, @DMatthewStewart claims, "I have no control of that. It belongs to yahoo. I retained no rights. But I didn't agree with what you thought was bogus."

Even though @PatDollard claimed in an August podcast that Stewart worked for Andrew Breitbart's Big sites, @DMatthewStewart claims, "That was a mistake. An incorrect statement."

January 10 email to Mike Stack aka Goatsred:

Again, I'm trying to help. But you might take this the wrong way. Anyway, as an editor and someone who knows this story pretty well, here are my thoughts:

The entire yahoo news article is based on a completely wrong and bogus thesis...

Either that's your choice, your's and Doug's choice, or you are being duped...or it's just poorly edited.

Or it's typical blogosphere dumbshow bullcrap...get something wrong so the other side can alinsky and then both sides are right.

Either way....i hope you get these fixed...since they ruin the story, which is mostly accurate.

Anyway, The Smoking Gun never accused you of being an early RTer of Weiner and that's Dave/Doug/whatever his name's main thesis.

"Mike Stack, a 39-year-old New Jersey resident, is known as “goatsred” in the Twitterverse, where he has helped lead a months-long assault on the New York City politician. Stack was joined at the hip in this pursuit by “patriotusa76,” who gave his name as “Dan Wolfe” and was the online avenger who happened last Friday night to discover the notorious tweet emanating from Weiner’s account."

The Smoking Gun reported Dan Wolfe "was the online avenger who happened last Friday night to discover the notorious tweet emanating from Weiner’s account."

These lines are bogus:

"Even the touch of sarcasm when Stack "happened to discover the tweet" is blatant when contrasted to the cabal TSG suggests existed."

They said Dan Wolfe "happened to discover", not you.

"And finally Mike Stack was not the first or only person to see the pictures, he was not even the first to "retweet" the picture either. Former Raw Story editor Ron Brynaert knew this from very early on and eventually wrote about it on his personal blog just two weeks after the Smoking Gun story."

The first sentence I already showed was wrong...the second sentence is wrong, too...my blog was from August not two weeks after The Smoking Gun.

Bastone - if he chose to respond - would just alinsky and cherry pick the wrong things....

this should be fixed too, since it implies it came after his first letter to you about the vets72 thing:
"But Bastone seems to be eager to continue the Smoking Gun's smearing of Stack by asking him "what did the pepper spray feel like" in his response, as emails show."

This should be proven....or edited:

"The same user name appears on the Daily Kos website and has long been believed the user is Democrat operative Neal Rauhauser."

More stuff referring to you retweeting...when the issue is you talking to teens to get dirt on Weiner..which is never mentioned in the story:

"The question now becomes not who Mike Stack is or what he has done in his past; which he has never denied. But how is that relevant enough to the tweeting of Weiner's inappropriate picture to be part of the story. The answer is that there is no relevance."


"The end result is the personal destruction of someone who did nothing more than participate in social media in the political sphere."

No, you sent the stuff to Breitbart....it's Dan Wolfe who "did nothing more than participate in social media in the political sphere."

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