The following links were found inside Kid Kenoma's html code (copy and pasting everything on this blog made all the words below disappear...and the source code might also indicate that the hashtag #fuckyouwashington may be playing some kind of role in blocking our sites) or I could be totally wrong...just trying to figure out strange things:
The email address attached to Starchild 111 is and I found a blog attached to it via a Google search called Red Blue Christian.
This is the Lane Lipton tweet, which implies that jsexton really left the referred comment: "I'm curious if @blogarsay authored this comment: & if so, why she thought story was "ridiculous" Or was it impersonator?"
This is from the About page for Red Blue Christian : " is a group blog founded by Dr. Andrew Jackson in July 2006. This Christian political blog functions within the online stable of, and it is primarily about the Kingdom of God and its relationship (not its fusion) to American politics and public policy. We believe that our biblical faith should inform and empower our political engagement, and not be artificially separated from it."
John Sexton also blogs at (twitter handle: @verumserum ) and has done extensive Weinergate reporting
He sent this letter to the innocent Jennifer George in California, as documented at her website:
Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 12:14 AM
from John Sexton
to Jennifer George
subject Weinergate story
Hey, I believe you were contacted by Lee Stranahan today. I'm also a blogger/writer working on this story. I don't know if you're the Jennifer George we're looking for, but there is some evidence pointing in that direction.
Was hoping you'd be willing to talk about this and help me clear it up.
You can email me or, if you prefer, call me anytime tomorrow at [Redacted].
John Sexton
Verum Serum
Just like Lee Stranahan, Sexton had absolutely nothing to ask the innocent George. And why would he write her when Stranahan already did? The purpose, apparently, was solely to menace and create confusion, and try to blame Jennifer Preston for harassment.
According to the About page at Verum Serum, "John is a contributor at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Journalism and also to Hot Air’s Green Room."
Sexton also has a anti-healthcare blog called Dr. Gov: This Might Hurt
From the about page:
The Obama administration is pushing for a government provided “medicare option” for all US citizens. Recent comments by Rep. Schakowsky indicate that this is merely the camel’s nose under the tent. The real goal is a Canadian style single-payer system.One "exclusive" that Verum Serum broke was related to the alleged "boyfriend" of "Ethel."Unfortunately, most Americans aren’t familiar with the astounding, often life threatening stories of government run health care systems that regularly appear in foreign papers. Dr. Gov is intended to be an online repository of media reports, stories and information about the many wonders of government run health care. Take some time and read through the archives. You’ll be glad you did.
Dr. Gov was created and is maintaned by John Sexton. His other blog Verum, has been in steady operation since 2004.
"This afternoon, not long after news broke that police had showed up at the door of a Delaware high school student who reportedly had contact with Rep. Weiner, my co-blogger Morgen discovered something interesting," Sexton blogged.
Adding, "Here’s what Morgen discovered this afternoon. This comes from the feed of a boy we now know to be Ethel’s boyfriend"
I don't know how Sexton knows who the "boyfriend" of "Ethel" is, but one of her main friends was Shamus Clancy and he can't be her boyfriend since he had multiple tweets indicating that he was gay, and they each shared tweets with his boyfriend (whose name I don't recall, both twitter accounts were deleted last week) and I believe they joked about being a threesome couple kind of like in the TV show Parks and Recreation.
See this post for more on Shamus Clancy and the hacking of Rep. Weiner account:
Did Sexton just sock puppet as Starchild111 and/or Jennifer George on blogs? Or was he the one that hacked an innocent woman's account, who stopped tweeting in 2009?
(Note: I notice the hacking has turned apostrophes into weird question marks, just like what happened to hacked stories at Raw Story)
There is also a link to a picture of a third Jennifer George, who lives abroad, that I won't be posting...and a picture of the avatar cloned account that is apparently controlling Patterico's tweets, as well:
Please see this story for more on hacking of Patterico by cloned Ethylkxa account:
Original story follows:
On July 4th, Democratic operative Neal Rauhauser spent Independence Day posting a smear diary up at Daily Kos against "Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney John Patrick Frey, who writes under the pen name Patterico (say: pat-uh-RI-co)."
A mysterious "someone" is allegedly forwarding evidence to Rauhauser aka Stranded Wind, who allegedly worked on 44 Democratic campaigns, 29 potentially without informing the Federal Election Commission, and who thinks international anarchists hacking into the Arizona law enforcement server is "good clean fun, @LulzSec style – Arizona cops get their pants yanked down around their ankles, the author of this mischief is probably a resident of Europe using a cracked server in Asia and they’ll never find the guy, but the big picture is a little more serious".
More at this diary:
Later in his July 4th diary - while I was being menaced by hackers to give up sources who had been receiving threats - StrandedWind adds, "This link is to a PDF I created from Kid Kenoma’s blog, which I did because this seemed important. If you Google “Seth Allen Kid Kenoma” there is a lot of additional information on this guy."
More here:
And more at Neal Rauhauser's Scribd site, where his followers can examine all his "evidence":
At his blog, Kid Kenoma wrote a number of blog posts on Seth Allen aka Socrates (a shady character that uses tons of alias from Dave Weintraub to Dave From Queens to who knows how many other aliases and whose ideology seems to be all over the map and who seems to like to play the "good cop" role) and Patterico (the only good guy in this particular blog posting) and their argument with Brett Kimberlin and Brad Friedman.
Almost any one sentence from any one post is all it takes to see through Kid Kenoma. In March, Kid Kenoma writes, "At any rate, I think Soc is in good hands over at the Patterico tea party. After all, Patterico is said to be, or to have been employed, by the LA District Attorney’s Office."
See more here:
This blog posting is similar to tactics that Rauhauser has written about in a number of diaries under the name Stranded Wind for Daily Kos.
Smear, confuse and lie: Patterico is not affiliated with the Tea Party, still works as a deputy District Attorney and, as he wrote in 2005, "I am conservative but not doctrinally so: for example, I am pro-gay rights; in favor of a 'beyond all possible doubt' standard for death-penalty cases (and am very concerned about innocents on Death Row); anti-Ann Coulter, Bill O’Reilly, and other conservatives whose rantings give sensible conservatives a bad name."
See more here:
But in a posting in December of 2009, Kid Kenoma revealed that his blog and others were just a game meant to mess with real live people.
Read on:
OK, let’s say that there is a discussion about the Franklin pedophilia scandal amongst oh-so-cool self-appointed experts that infest the Rig-Int board, who dimly realize that an understanding of the “Project Monarch” speculations is crucial to determining the veracity of the rather shocking claims by victims of the Franklin pedophilia cartel. Yet how curiously uninformed about all of this the “experts” seem to be.See more here (until or unless it gets yanked) :
The topic is a crucially important and potentially explosive one,
and therefore saturated with all of the disinfo tactics that the
cryptocracy can muster, and I’m sure you’ll agree, their resources
are considerable.
My friends in British Columbia, in far-flung canuck grottos like Lillooetand Kelowna, occasionally use the expression “smokanagan” which seems to be in popular usage at least in that region, as well as the fine blog by Natalee Taylor, who hails from Kelowna, and has a radio show with similarly regional themes on Virgin Radio.The inference by certain shrill paranoid scumbags, that this is in some way a personal reference, are, as usual, completely erroneous.98% of the posts on this blog consist of lyrics from popular songs, some of which, when isolated from the music in a focused context, might very well be interpreted as having references to themes that are often very consistent with psy-ops and ritual abuse, particularly young children.
This has gone on for decades, seemingly unnoticed and almost never commented upon. It didn’t just start with Lady Gaga.
If you find this content to be “creepy”, then this presentation has been effective, and you, clearly stupified RI board, need to realize your issues are with the beloved pop-icons who create & promote this stuff, not with me.
As though “investigators” too fuckin’ stew-ped to tell the difference
between a meta-fiction and an ARG, and too mindless in their shark-like feeding-frenzy to ask or even actually check the material in question to determine such, are gonna make great insightful probes for the “truth” in 911 or Franklin scandal?As fucking IF.
Get over it assholes. Your reaction to the concept of “ARG” is an exact parallel to Scientologists encountering the concept of “Xenu”. A complete irrational immersion in lynch-mob mentality.
You have exposed yourselves for what you truly are: bloated, pathetic self promoting hypocrites who do nothing but muddy the waters on serious issues with your strutting peacock personas and constant derailing of threads, to blab incessantly about yourselves and to launch moderator-sanctioned personal attacks on those with whom you disagree.
By the way, both Untermuyer and Kidkenoma blogs, and an unspecified number of other sites across the net, are extensions of The Last Statue, and, as I’m sure you are becoming slowly aware, much to your shuddering dismay, you are all now de facto characters in TLS as well.
The bad news is, we can’t pay per diem at this phase of the “arrangement”, but we’ll cut you in for a slice once the movie rights are finalized. We would, of course, implore all concerned to be more interesting if at all possible. Otherwise, you may go back to what you were doing, at least until the King in Yellow gets here.
Good luck on that.
Browse this blog with a halfway open mind and you just might learn something.
Ye who enter here with preconceptions fueled by ignorance, malevolence, and hostility, will most certainly reap what ye sow.
(This Is No ARG)
Kid Kenoma revealed in December of 2009 that "both Untermuyer and Kidkenoma blogs, and an unspecified number of other sites across the net, are extensions of The Last Statue, and, as I’m sure you are becoming slowly aware, much to your shuddering dismay, you are all now de facto characters in TLS as well."
Googling The Last Statue took me to
Sometime early in 2009 a story called The Last Statue appeared at the website of literary agency Margaras Media. The author is unknown. The purpose is unknown.The story is a lightly fictionalized and highly condensed tour of the dark occult-tinged underbelly of modern history, or perhaps we should say postmodern history. Every character name, every place name, every event has at least one if not more correlations with history as we know it. Or think we know it.
Much of the story is set at the tail end of the hippie generation and its ungraceful, sad and pathetic descent into what is only discussed in polite society with downward glances and whispered tones as "the 70's".
But right off the bat you notice that many of the character names come from an earlier time, a time in which the mystical and the rational were duking it out, It was the time of intellectual rebirth, but also a time of occult explorations. The time of Shakespeare and John Dee. It was the time of transition, in
John Crowley's terms, from Aegypt to Egypt.
But there is, as they say, more to the story. Perhaps much more. Somehow, in ways not yet understood at all, the story has entwined itself with some very dark events of very recent history. The most prominent such event is the deaths of Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake. As it so happens, Theresa Duncan was onto something, or something was onto her. Her now-famous blog, The Wit of the Staircase, is riddled with hints, clues and allusions to... something.
And whatever that something is, the Last Statue is pointing in the same direction.
Three of us have started on an adventure to unravel this incredibly complex story, and perhaps more will join us. Others may choose simply to watch our progress from the safety of the sidelines. Still others may wonder if the sidelines really are so safe, after all.
If you choose to join us, you can start right now. Here is all you need:
Equipment required:
One internet.
One open mind.
One library card (or Amazon account).
A pencil might be handy, too.Skills required:
The ability to entertain several mutually contradictory hypotheses at the same time.
The ability to remain composed in times of emotional turmoil.
The ability to stay grounded when staring down the impossible.
Primary Sources
Margaras Media Main Page
The Last Statue
Sad Iron Blues
Untermuyer's Blog
KidKenoma's Blog
A blogger named Ty Brown at a blog called Dream's End wrote in February of 2010,
So a new blog has appeared explaining the Last Statue and Kid Kenoma as works of “metafiction” which have nothing to do with the actual Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake. They just, it seems, got carried away in their “roles”, something they now regret. (Special note, it is possible Kid Kenoma/Tina Delgado/Terilee does not yet realize she is fiction so please be gentle with her.)I think we might as well reprint the whole explanation here, but you can read it in the original over at Obermeyer777.
It would have been better if it had been titled “I’m Sorry…” but enough inside jokes. Here is the post.
Time Out and Time for Apologies.
Hello everyone. Taking the mask off for a minute here. (Yes, sincerely.) First of all, thank you for reading and for your interest in The Last Statue. It’s really been a blast thus far, hasn’t it? (Don’t worry–it’s not over!) A lot of work has been put into this by our small team, and we’re pretty proud of it. What great reactions we’ve had from all you fans out there. You guys are blowing us away! (No pun intended–this time
But–and this is a big “but”; I do not break the fourth wall lightly–the artists here at TLS have started to think that we might’ve gone a little too far with a couple things. It was always our intention to push the envelope, but I want to set the record straight and offer some apologies. (Whew! I hope everyone can appreciate how hard it is to type this. Our work is absolutely sacrosanct to us and it’s not fun to second-guess your creative process.) Anyway, enough beating around the burning bush, right? Here goes:
- No one involved with TLS knew Theresa Duncan or Jeremy Blake. Theremy was a powerful leitmotif to incorporate, and we ran with it. And while, yes, it was meant to make people question their comfort zones, no disrespect was ever meant to any of Theremy’s friends or family–we’re deeply sorry if that wasn’t clear. We’ve done what we wanted with that part of the story, so let’s all just move on now. We thank Theremy for their posthumous participation, and may those two fellow travelers rest in peace. (And FWIW, we honestly love Chop Suey.)
- While everyone should absolutely feel free to continue researching the various topics we incorporate into the plotline, don’t expect that you’re going to “get it” or that it’s going to fit into a “neat little box.” TLS is part of something known as metafiction, which some people may not be familiar or comfortable with yet. Audience misinterpretation was understood as a risk when we decided to use elements of new age culture, but this is no Dan Brown novel! The Last Statue has more in common with Mathew Barney’s Cremaster series, or a Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line composition (although it’s beyond those, as well). Not gonna apologize for it (can I get a hell yeah?), but I did think it was important to clear that up.
- If anybody out there wasn’t comfortable with the extent of TLS’s direct, personal interaction–sorry about that. As any performer will attest, it’s not difficult to lose some “mundane” perspective when you’re in character. And remember that no one’s ever done this kind of thing before! We’re all learning, and it should be exciting for you to be involved in something of this magnitude.
So there you have it. “Mea culpa,” as Father Morales might put it. We hope you continue to love the mindbender known as The Last Statue. You’re of course already familiar with two of our main characters, obermeyer777 and kidkenoma, but have you figured out who else is part of this wicked little tale?
Just teasing–or am I? You’ll have to wait and see!
And hey, does anyone have contact info for Thomas Pynchon’s literary agent? If so, please pass it along! We think TP would really love this.
Alright–game on! Who’s up to bust some Scientologist chops!
Love under law,
#26 (“obermeyer777″)
“Winners don’t use drugs”
By the way, I have no independent evidence that the writer of Obermeyer777 has anything to do with The Last Statue whatsoever. So I am not vouching for them. And no, I did not write the posts on Obermeyer but add it to the long list of things I have been accused of writing.
More at
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